Craig has delivered over 200 training sessions at conferences, on INSET days and as twilights in the last 8 years. Training sessions are tailored to suit each client's requirements so half-day sessions can be delivered as twilights and vice versa.
Craig has 4 Zoom courses which will be taking place in January and February 2025. The cost of places on the first 3 course is £80 per delegate. The cost of places on the governor course is £40 per delegate. All courses can be booked as face-to-face sessions at individual schools. The courses are:
1) Successful Subject Leadership 2025 – Tues 28th Jan (9.15 to 11.15 a.m.)
The training session has the following objectives:·
- To think about the characteristics of successful subject leaders
- To revisit the recent past to better understand the origins of the current focus on curriculum and subject leadership
- To recognise and understand the expectation that for subject leaders to be successful, they should make a positive difference to teaching and learning
- To understand some of the key aspects of subject leadership that are the focus of Ofsted inspections and the background to the current inspection handbook
- To focus on how well subject leaders incorporate important messages and key evidence-based approaches in their leadership roles
- To reflect on how well leaders develop progression in pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding, and vocabulary
- To think about how to develop pupil voice and how leaders monitor their subjects
- To reflect on manageable approaches to subject leadership including delegation
- To consider how effectively leaders are collaborating with others
2) Scaffolding, Metacognition and Self-Regulation … to promote inclusion and increase pupils’ independence and learning – Wed 29th Jan (9.15 to 11.15 a.m.)
The training session has the following objectives:·
- To learn more about scaffolding and to understand the scaffolding framework
- To understand the research around pupils’ ability to self-regulate and develop their metacognition
- To reflect on the links between scaffolding and developing pupils’ self-regulation, metacognition and independence
- To consider the importance of having strong models to support pupils’ learning and growing independence
- To explore the term “learned helplessness” and to consider how adults can make children dependent
- To explore what we need to do in scaffolding to support children’s growing independence, self-regulation, metacognition and learning
3) Difficult Conversations for Senior Leaders and Teachers - Thurs 6th Feb (9.15 to 11.15 a.m.)
The training session has the following objectives:
- To understand some of the reasons that we need “difficult conversations” and the range of situations and stakeholders that these are likely to include
- To recognise the potential benefits of these conversations
- To consider some basic principles which are sensible to consider in all our communication
- To consider how we might prepare for conversations
- To make the key links between Teachers’ Professional Standards and Teaching Assistant Professional Standards and our expectations and key messages to colleagues
- To reflect on the importance of “following up” on a conversation and how and why we might do this
4) Governors and Pupil Premium – Tues 11th Feb (5.30 to 6.30 p.m.)
The training session has the following objectives:·
- To understand the role of governors in relation to disadvantaged pupils and a school’s Pupil Premium strategy
- To explore evidence around potential additional challenges for disadvantaged pupils
- To reflect on how governors can provide support but hold school leaders to account in spending the Pupil Premium and supporting disadvantaged pupils
- To explore the recent heightened expectations of governors around Pupil Premium, especially in EEF guidance around questioning senior leaders
- To consider how the DfE documentation around Pupil Premium has changed, including the importance of the 'Menu of Approaches'
- To reflect on the guidance of trusted sources of educational research, such as the EEF, as to which approaches schools might take with disadvantaged pupils
- To make the links between schools’ future plans and strong overall practice which will benefit all pupils
The following courses have been successfully delivered in 2023 and 2024; they are all available as 2-hour twilights (see list below):
Craig's most popular twilight training courses have been:
- Successful Subject Leadership - impact and improvement in your curriculum
- Successful Subject Leadership 2 - the practical aspects of improving teaching and learning
- Scaffolding, Metacognition and Self-Regulation ... to be inclusive and to increase pupils' independence and learning
- Know More, Remember More
- Improving Talk, Valuing Vocabulary and Narrowing the Word Gap
- Increasing the Impact of Teaching Assistants on pupils' independence and learning
- Effective TA Deployment and Practice
- Deep Dives - preparing to present your curriculum in the best light
- Governors and Ofsted - what to expect and how to prepare
- Adaptive Teaching and the Inclusive Classroom
- Pupil Premium - Making a Difference!
- Looking to Lead (New to Subject Leadership)
- Review, Reflect and Action Plan
If you want more details or feedback from previous participants on any of these courses then please contact Craig.